品牌 | AVX | 型号 | 2312/6032-28 | 介质材料 | 钽电解 |
应用范围 | 中和 | 外形 | 方块状 | 功率特性 | 中功率 |
频率特性 | 中频 | 调节方式 | 固定 | 引线类型 | 无引线 |
允许偏差 | ±5(%) | 耐压值 | 50(V) | 等效串联电阻(ESR) | 0(mΩ) |
标称容量 | 10(uF) | 损耗 | 0 | 额定电压 | 16(V) |
绝缘电阻 | 0(mΩ) | 温度系数 | 0 |
Non preferred Ratings - not recommended for new designs,
higher voltage or smaller case size substitution are offered.
Released codes (M tolerance only)
Engineering samples - please contact manufacturer
*Codes under development - subject to change
Note: Voltage ratings are minimum values. AVX reserves the right to supply
higher ratings in the same case size, to the same reliability standards
手 机:13929253003 王小姐
Q Q:2365818764
电 话:0769-89917065
传 真:0769-82616686